Earlier in the month a Pink Heals National Fire Truck Tour rolled through the area. The purpose of the caravan, consisting of pink fire trucks and supporters, is to raise awareness for women and their fight against cancer. In each city they stop, a dedication is held and those who attend are able to sign the truck or write special notes to those they know who are fighting the horrible disease. Well with October being National Breast Cancer Month.. I suppose the beloved North Chuck was so touched by the concept they decided to create their own pink truck. Once an old rig was wrapped in pink covering, several guys in the department(not me) put in some long hours to get the truck in working order and look as good as it does. Not to take anything away from them or this awesome cause, but this post is more about the man running the city. Although on duty this day, I was not present for this ceremony. Someone though, was kind enough to record it and post it on not only just the internet, but also the City website. No need to watch in its entirety unless you feel so inclined to do. Maybe a minute of your time is all I ask. Here's my thoughts during the video. ----I've never heard him give a speech..wow! quite southern accent.. still not used to those.. He's still fairly rotund.. I thought he had his stomach stapled.. wasn't it on the city's dime.. what a waste of money.. wait a minute I didn't get a raise the past two years.. nice turtle neck.. they're not manning it all month.. only three days.. oh.. he's politicking.. go figure.. he loves his female firefighters..--- AND then at 0:58 -- Holy Shit! He called that lady a BROAD! LOL!! Is that an acceptable term? I wonder if she was offended?--- I thought this to be very humorous. Welcome to the South.
Footnote: The four females picture rode Engine 3 that entire shift and I almost called out sick. I spent the majority of the day hidden upstairs in my room. I don't think a moment of silence existed in the station the entire shift. The moment they got off the truck someone was always talking. It was like living in some twisted sorority house. Not good.