Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Black Friday!!

Happy Thanksgiving, but let's be real the true holiday is Black Friday. That's why I traveled up the mountain to Asheville to find out what all the fuss is about. My Thanksgiving was typical. Football on the big screen, too much food, and even more booze to wash it down. The difference this year was my active participation in the worst reason for mass human gathering. I knew it was going to be an entertaining event, I was just unsure to what degree. With a wildcard like Haley involved your guess is as good as mine.

Haley's reaction after being told she has to report to work (at the GAP) in 30 minutes...and that she is completely wasted.

   I wish this picture was photoshopped. This is the line at Old Navy. Let me explain. Inside the store was at capacity so these individuals are patiently waiting their turn, in a two in two out fashion, like it was the hottest new nightclub.

Just a glimpse of the shenanigans that took place that night. Not pictured is the line of about 8-10 guys waiting to relieve themselves. 

Shout out to Turk! I haven't seen him in about four or five years and he was so excited to see me he peed himself multiple times and refused to leave my side for the majority of the day. Great little dude.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Neighborhood Oyster Roast (in picture)

The best hood downtown held it's annual oyster roast last weekend, and it did not disappoint. The site was Lowdes Grove Plantation. Here are a few pics from an awesome Sunday afternoon.
The parking lot

Yes, that is a jump castle

Oyster tables ready for shuckin'

Crazy amounts of grub

Enjoying the day along the Ashley River

Southern entertainment 

Monday, November 7, 2011

It's Moustache Season!

And Happy Movember to you to! What is Movember you ask? Well..obviously it's the month formerly known as November, with a twist. You see October is a month cluttered with breast cancer awareness and everything pink. Now it's the gentleman's turn to raise awareness for the often ignored issues they face, particularly prostate cancer. What better way to do it than to sprout some unsightly hair on their upper lip, thus becoming walking billboards. This creates conversation and in turn spreads awareness of the issues. Last year I attempted this month long challenge but fell short due to the pure awfulness and really no support. This year though I'm all in. I joined a team with one of the bar "regulars" and we are hosting an event next weekend to promote Movember. I know this Movember phenomenon blew up here last year, so I assume it will be even bigger this year. All funds raised during the month throughout the world are put towards the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG. What's even better about Movember is the are no stupid 5k's every weekend. It's definitely an alcohol driven fundraiser with events held each weekend at different bars. I will keep you updated on my growth (or lack there of) and let you know how it effects my daily activities. For example.. being within a certain distance of small children. So here's to hoping the cats don't sneak in my room a lick off my moustache while I'm sleeping. Cheers to Movember!