Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Looking to Rent?

Have you ever repossessed a house? Me neither. Today was the closest I hope to ever get to that situation. My friend Patrick purchased an investment property in beautiful North Charleston. He payed a ridiculous 10 grand for the spot. You can imagine it's located in a very well to do neighborhood with lush marsh views. But wait surprise! There has been a family of four squatting in the property since he took ownership...two months ago. After dealing with his lawyer and the Sheriff's department, this morning was the deadline for the family to move out. He asked my help to move things left behind and change the locks. The pics don't do the odor left behind justice. Take a look.

We literally stood in the street and watched them load a U-Haul for two hours. 

A little mold here and there.

Pile of shit left in the home.

Oh yeah..They lived in the home without electricity or water. For two months!! I guess this is the real pile of shit left in the home.

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