Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Some Days We Climb Things

My friend Hayden has introduced to a pretty sweet wall. This 50 foot beast, on the grounds of James Island County Park, has provided some fun times. I was a little hesitant to ride out there with him to check it out. Nothing about climbing has ever interested me. I've met a few people down here who are obsessive about this wall and I'm a little disappointed in myself for not giving it a chance years ago. After our first trip I was hooked. I've enjoyed not only the physical challenges it presents but also the mental. It's like figuring out a puzzle. Each individual may conquer certain routes in a manner they choose by using different techniques. The satisfaction once you reach the top is also a nice feeling. Not to mention the little rush when dangling five stories in the air. Hopefully I am able to continue this new found sport and some day challenge some of nature's rocks.     

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Here lies Ben

  This may not look like much to the novice eye, but four feet below this patch of dirt rests the neighborhood vagabond, Ben. That's right.. I'm damn near a professional. It seems about once a year I get the opportunity to dig a grave for some type of animal I really didn't enjoy that much.
  Timing bears a hold on everything in life and this just wasn't my day. After a morning of fun on Folly I was out my door and in search of beer to continue the nice buzz I had already built. Nothing could stop me.. except the neighbor lady crying on her doorstep. Mattie is an interesting person. She is super kind but also a little cray cray. Each encounter with her is always an experience. Let's just say you have to be in the mood to say "hi" to this lady. On this day conversation was unavoidable. I went left instead of right and there she was, bloody hands clutching a grocery bag. All she could muster was "Bennnnn". Ben apparently belonged to her. I just knew him as the asshole who's paw prints looked like they are permanently a part of my trucks paint job and loves to leave butt biscuits in our driveway. I hated Ben. This could have been an "Oh, I'm sorry to hear" and haul tail kind of thing, except for the wrinkled old man, in a wife beater, scooping dirt in my peripheral. It was 100 degrees out and this dude was getting nowhere quick. An infant using beach toys could have dug a faster hole. I tagged in and he coached. Fifteen minutes and a liter of body fluids later Ben's final resting place was meticulously prepared. While I dug, what seemed like a parade of animals, led by Grand Marshal Mattie, flowed out of her front door to the bag Ben's lifeless body was decaying in. Upon arrival to Ben she made sure to stuff each of her pet's noses inside the bag and warned them if they are to play in the street they too will get thumped by a car and die. It was an odd sight.
  The three of us now stood over Ben and his sturdy plastic coffin that will take 500 years to decompose. We all bowed our heads while Mattie said some nice words about Ben. I let her drop the first scoop of dirt on him and then finished up. She thanked me for my help and offered a ginger ale... I'd rather have a beer.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

In Today's News

I pulled this picture from the Post and Courier site which was hilariously printed in today's Local and State section of the paper. My celebrity status at work has been upped as I now hang from our station refrigerator. The article was about cutting a lane of traffic around Hampton Park to make one dedicated lane for bicycle and pedestrian friendly use. It has been quite an issue especially in the Wagner Terrace community. City council has had multiple meetings surrounding the issue and even required three different votes to finally get ok'd. At first I was in dismay at the blurred image, but I have grown to appreciate the anonymity.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Affogato Afternoon

Black Tap Coffee is the newest coffee house introduced to Charleston a couple months back. I'm not your typical caffeine fiend but when ice cream is involved..sign me up! Affogato afternoons is a special time on Beaufain St. and attracts many who seek out this wonderful treat. Offered each Friday afternoon till close it has become a nice substitute to my usual nap time, especially before a closing bar shift.

(a scoop of natural vanilla bean ice cream, drowned in a double shot of espresso apollo and garnished with our very own coffee infused english toffee)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This is why Moe's will forever be one of my favorite bars. Your eyes to not deceive you, that is a hoveround! A powerful electric mobility system that brought this man to the front stoop of the bar. A wooden cane was the final assistance necessary to get him in the door to imbibe freely. The best part of this shadowy picture is the fact he chained it up to the handrail.. epic. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm on a Boat

On the second day of my existence, in Charleston, I opened a bank account.  The account manager and I made small talk. It was a one sided conversion bordering an interview.  He bounced well rehearsed questions at me as I eagerly poured out the new life I sought. Occasionally he would interrupt my ramblings to find out my social security number or what my four digit pin were to be. I'm sure my life story was the first of many that would filter through one ear and out the other that day. Another eager warm weather seeking midwesterner. Just after I signed the last document he shook my hand and inquired, "Do you really want to enjoy Charleston?" I remember not responding but forming a half grin on my confused face. "Find a friend that owns a boat." 
Five years later it has happened and now he's wants to sell it! Don't ruin my summer.
Every day could look like this.   

Skurfing(Surf/Skiing) in the Harbor..

 Shrimp boats and dolphins at play..

 Hit the dock in time for happy hour at Red's.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tales from the Edisto

Step back Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer the Edisto is the new Mississippi and this adventure has a treehouse!

Let me revert back to the weeks leading up to this 23 mile excursion where the tales of this swampy river did not provide much confidence. Most people I talked to provided insight on survival and encounters of poisonous snakes and alligators, as if these were necessary tips. All of these self-proclaimed outdoorsmen accompanied their anecdotes with laughter and a little shake of the head. The laughter quickly turned to concern and sympathy when I voluntarily mentioned this canoe trip included my..eh hem..girlfriend. Words of encouragement were spun to questions of why? stupid? and refund? I won't say I argued against their thought process. A typical response included, "I'll have plenty of beer".

Fast forward to the time of this entry and our trip was flawless! The smile on my face could not have been slapped off if Brittney tried. Day one included 13miles and around six hours of paddling/floating. We stopped a few times along the sandy beach river banks to rest our arms, have lunch, and drink beer. The sun definitely beat down at times but the spanish moss provided a nice umbrella over the water to shade us. The river on a Thursday afternoon was peaceful as if our own private island. No venomous snakes, human hungry alligators, or swamp people (ok one) were ever a concern. We saw a plethora of turtles and even a young fawn.

Nestled in the trees just off the river view. Our tree house took me back to my youth. I never had one but this is what my little imagination conjured up as a kid. A hammock near the riverbank, fire pit, and wood framed 10x10 home twenty feet in the air. The house itself was perfect for the two of us. A simple layout of futon, coffee table, propane range, and sleeping loft provided everything we needed. We explored the small island, attempted to build a camp fire, cooked a meal, and drank ourselves to sleep. I couldn't have asked for a better night in the woods.

Early to rise the next morning, we cooked
breakfast and sipped coffee. Empty cooler in tow we loaded the rest of our belongings and set out for the final 10miles of our journey. This day hosted a little more action on the river with fishing boats and kayakers sharing what was our own peaceful journey. The paddle back was bittersweet. The sheer joy of this adventure still existed but I knew in a couple hours I would be fighting speeding traffic down the interstate. Why are we in such a rush? I could only sit and wonder when my next trip would be and what new discoveries it will bring.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Baseball is back. You can always count on the Charleston Riverdogs for a cheap way to have fun during the week. Dugan, Walt, and I headed over to the Joe to catch a game during opening week. Who won that day? Everyone! We had a blast feeding our faces and slugging cheap beer. There were multiple food runs which included boiled peanuts, nachos, and the pig on a stick (footlong bacon wrapped corndog)! I honestly could have spent the entire game at the doghouse sampling various hotdogs. They have crazy amounts of toppings and even feature a pickle dog. That's right a hotdog with a pickle as the bun. It's a long season I'll pace myself.

sun going down over the ashley river as the riverdogs play host to the augusta green jackets (<get it)

hot dogs, dollar beer, and marsh views

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

my sunbathing friend

New Age of Optical Shopping

It's pretty well known I am a huge fan of online shopping. Clothing, bike parts, and especially shoes! Just a few items I roam the inter-web for to stave off boredom. So when I heard about an online eyeglass site that also participates in an at home try on program. Sign me up! Warby Parker is a company which produces some pretty trendy specs at affordable prices. They offer their customers the ability to choose five frames to try on at home for five days, for free. Pretty cool concept. The delivery was quick and my trial began. The glasses were of solid structure and they all fit the dark frame trendy look. I chose a variety of colors and shapes. Being a mass produced frame they come as standard sizes according to however the manufacturer deems best. I found this to be a flaw in product design. There were a couple pair that I was truly fond of, but the fit was off. Some too snug, others the arms were not long enough. After a closer look on the website they do give each of the frame's dimensions, but this is very limiting to the customer. It requires an individual to find the exact pair that fit their face, but it may not be a style that appeals to the customer. Unfortunately no new glasses are in my future.    

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Straight Glazed

Glazed - Charleston's first gourmet doughnut shop, is a must stop for those early morning sweet tooth cravings.  Today I hit the holy grail! I was able to peddle down King St. just in time to score the ever elusive maple bacon which I paired nicely with an orange pistachio. I devoured them both to my belly's delight. Yum! ...I think I will stroll to the park and take a nap. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Throwback Thursday

It's crazy to think just over a year ago we were all out at sea with the only concern in mind was what buffet line to hit that day. I was sifting through some of the photos I took. Here's what I found.

A nightly occurrence.. open water and sunsets worth watching.

Aunt Sharon and Mom discussing the berating Jenn just gave Chuck on a private island. Bad Chuck.

St. Maarten - the French side

We visit, they live it.  St.Thomas

Sea shells by the sea shore

Nothing better than to gamble and drink while on a boat.

Monday, April 2, 2012

What Happens in Charlotte..

Our trip to Charlotte ended up being quite a successful one. The hotel we landed was directly next to the stadium and in the mix of some of Charlotte's finest establishments. This relatively new city had a clean air about it despite the lack of bike lanes. I was impressed by the youthful feel and absence of bums. The drive was a quick three hours and far enough away to give you a sense of vacation and anonymity. Thus equating to an eventful evening of randomness and adventure. The game was a snore, I've been in high school arenas with better home team support, c'mon Jordan! I would literally say seventy five percent of the crowd was repping Celtic green. Which was the reason we made the effort. It was pretty cool being six rows from the action and seeing the likes of Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Rajon Rondo in person. If I only had a day off when the Bulls come into town. 
View from the rooftop terrace pool at our hotel. Time Warner Arena and downtown.

Me, Sean, Dugan, and Josh. Very happy dudes

Sweet seats!

The aftermath. Room service, beer, and an empty $6 bottle of water.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Coming Soon..

Road trip to Charlotte! How much trouble can 8 people get into? The highlight will be the basketball game, but everyone knows it's not the destination it's the journey. 

Saturday Afternoon

After a week of fun in the city and intoxicating by body I decided to hit the gym. What better motivation than to have the United States longest serving mayor (living) pushing weights next to you. What else do busy guys like us have going on during a rainy weekend afternoon. Thanks Joe.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Another Shameless Plug

GQ is obsessed with all things Charleston lately. Check out one local chefs guide to the city. Some pretty good shout outs here. Dellz Delli, Butcher & Bee, and The Royal American! I found it to be a legit take on the city. Nothing touristy.

The Short Order: Chef Jeremiah Bacon's Guide to Charleston, South Carolina Restaurants Bars: GQ.com

Monday, March 5, 2012


Last week I woke up with quite an odd patch of bites. My initial thought and blame was put on my mattress at work. Bug bites or some disgusting bacteria left from a human who sleeps in the same quarters as I. Then I thought this may have been brought upon myself. I recently washed my bedding, I use at work, in the same extractor we use for our gear. Mistake. Possibly some chemical or other nastiness attached itself to my sheets and I unknowingly snuggled up with a this disease. Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I have shingles! What is this the 1920's? Am I eighty years old? Apparently the chicken pox virus I so fondly remember being mutated by has reared it ugly self again. The dormant virus that remains, similar to herpes simplex, can pop up unannounced. Poof its here and not really sure why. Its a lot different than chicken pox where this time around it attacks a specific nerve region to cause painful swelling, ache, and fever. Hence the large red area surrounding those beautiful blisters. It typically only occurs once and usually to people over 60 or those with weakened immune systems. Hmm.. The doctor actually was laughing at me for putting up with this for almost a week. He said with a smile, "You look quite comfortable for someone with shingles.", and then went on to tell about his late mothers bout with the virus towards the end of her life. Thanks Doc. I think I'll survive this time.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Glowing Review!

After reading the City Paper write up, I have chose to defer my review. I feel Erin did a nice job of summing up what I shared as a fantastic night. Kudos to Hailey and I hope to scoop a hard copy to share with all. (However, photos are mine)

Down-home crowd celebrates The Garden Summer premiere 

Farm Friends

As soon as we walked into the American Theater for The Garden Summer premiere, we noticed the attention to local details — rosemary-bourbon cocktails from the Belmont in glass jars, movie posters hand-printed by Sideshow Press, and Charleston photographer Sully Sullivan at the photobooth helm.
The evening was a celebration of the first public viewing of Hailey Wist’s independent film, a documentary focused on five young people, practically strangers, surviving a summer living off of what they could produce from a farm in Arkansas. The locavore theme of the film influenced the community feel of the fête — I wouldn’t be surprised if the rosemary sprigs in the cocktails were from a friend’s backyard.
The crowd was buzzing with anticipation to see Wist’s two-year endeavor come to fruition. Much of the creative crowd — filled with local artists, designers, musicians, and models — first learned ofThe Garden Summer project from a presentation Wist made at a May 2011 Pecha Kucha in Charleston. The intimate setting of the American Theater and the familiarity of the crowd gave the screening a feel of sitting down with family to watch an old super 8 — even everyone’s favorite patriarch Bill Murray showed up as the lights dimmed.
The film was as lovely as expected and the crowd gave a standing ovation to Wist and her farm friends before everyone headed off to the after-party for a few more libations from the Belmont.
Outside the American Theatre

Nothing beats a free drink. Even better when it's Bourbon with homemade ginger beer. 

Q&A Session after the show

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bring Your Gun, Girl, and Dog

Another weekend came and went and of course it was spent working..kind of. I was conned into working the South Eastern Wildlife Expo (SEWE) with Patrick. We got this gig through a friend of his who is in actually pretty important to Charleston. She is the lead coordinator for all the major events that take place at Marion Square; Food and Wine Festival, Fashion Week, Movies in the Park, and obviously SEWE. So after a ton of paper work and a piss test later, we were all set to work one entire day of manual labor. We were assigned to Brittlebank Park where the majority of the festival took place. Our task? We were in charge of recycling and food waste management, but no one used our supplied receptacles. So we just drove around in a golf cart, took in the days activities, and made friends with all the vendors. Pretty much it was hillbilly heaven and I was able to witness it first hand, and get paid! It was comparable to a state fair. A state fair that really loves hunting, fishing, and string music. They offered fly fishing demos, a speed boat simulator, and camper tours. The highlight for everyone is the dock dog competition. Overall it was a good day in the park. I left with a full belly of kettle corn and fried alligator.  
Is that Chris Cox!! Sure is and he's showing off his chainsaw sculpting skills. I bet you didn't guess he would turn that log of wood into a perched pelican. 

Holy grizzly bear! The left guy stood at an incredible 10 feet. 

The dock dog competition. A true ESPN event. These pups can jump. The winner leaped a whopping 22 feet 7 inches! 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Green Carpet

I am very excited for next Wednesday. I am attending my first ever movie premier! It's not exactly a monumental occasion, nor filled with celebrity, but something I have been keeping a close eye on for the past couple of years. The movie is actually a documentary which doubles as one grad students social experiment. The premise is five relatively new acquaintances gather in a rural ranch for an entire summer to live self-sufficiently. They attempt to grow all organic, eat what they don't produce within a 100 mile radius, and even sell extra yield at the local farmers market. They attempted this feat in 2010 and have finally cut and edited to provide the final project which will premier on King St. at The American Theatre. My heavy interest led me to purchase a ticket and walk the red carpet to see the results of The Garden Summer.

The Garden Summer Trailer from Hailey Wist on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Never a good scene on the way to work.

There is one ironic thing about this house that was on fire. It was literally four houses away from the house Patrick just purchased. It looked to be in the area of his new slumlord residence so when I arrived at work I checked the call run. Sure enough just houses away. The entire drive I was laughing at the idea of the family that we booted returning for an early morning arson. Lucky for him it wasn't.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Movember's End

This should have been posted months ago. My sincerest apologies to my army of followers. This was taken on my Thanksgiving trip to Asheville. Looking forward to next Movember :)

Looking to Rent?

Have you ever repossessed a house? Me neither. Today was the closest I hope to ever get to that situation. My friend Patrick purchased an investment property in beautiful North Charleston. He payed a ridiculous 10 grand for the spot. You can imagine it's located in a very well to do neighborhood with lush marsh views. But wait surprise! There has been a family of four squatting in the property since he took ownership...two months ago. After dealing with his lawyer and the Sheriff's department, this morning was the deadline for the family to move out. He asked my help to move things left behind and change the locks. The pics don't do the odor left behind justice. Take a look.

We literally stood in the street and watched them load a U-Haul for two hours. 

A little mold here and there.

Pile of shit left in the home.

Oh yeah..They lived in the home without electricity or water. For two months!! I guess this is the real pile of shit left in the home.