Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Green Carpet

I am very excited for next Wednesday. I am attending my first ever movie premier! It's not exactly a monumental occasion, nor filled with celebrity, but something I have been keeping a close eye on for the past couple of years. The movie is actually a documentary which doubles as one grad students social experiment. The premise is five relatively new acquaintances gather in a rural ranch for an entire summer to live self-sufficiently. They attempt to grow all organic, eat what they don't produce within a 100 mile radius, and even sell extra yield at the local farmers market. They attempted this feat in 2010 and have finally cut and edited to provide the final project which will premier on King St. at The American Theatre. My heavy interest led me to purchase a ticket and walk the red carpet to see the results of The Garden Summer.

The Garden Summer Trailer from Hailey Wist on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really interesting, trailer looked cool. Have to let me know how the 'red carpet' walk is :)
