Sunday, April 17, 2011

Droppin Bombs!!

I have stumbled upon a new favorite activity while out riding the city. Seed bombing is a great way to spruce up rather degraded areas of the community, or where lack of foliage exists. These little balls of clay, compost, and seed mixture add warmth and beauty to what may be unattended soil or eye sore spots. Guerrilla gardening is something I learned about last summer, but never fully embraced. Its the same concept of these seed bombs, only you plant small gardens. I wasn't too keen on that concept due to maintenance and the urban community gardens that have recently became popular. (See above) As these bombs are anonymously tossed into vacant areas they become sites worth looking at as a mixture of flowers sprout. Very basic concept, but great to see grow. I started in an empty pot of my own to see which flowers grow to know what to expect before I drop bombs on the city.

1 comment:

  1. That is a pretty cool concept. Keep us posted how your little pot does, will be interested to see what sprout!
