Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bike Porn

I finally pieced together my other bicycle. It rides really well with only a few adjustments to be made before I am completely happy. With the age of the frame and all the brand new components putting this beauty together proved to be more difficult than originally thought. Once I was able to take it for a spin all the frustration washed away. A lot of newer bicycles with the single speed/fixie style are uber-light and speedy, but this original Chicago produced steel Schwinn frame makes it quite a tank. I have bonded with the skeleton of this bike being as I rode it through college, and the fact that Erin Fuglelstad Joanis won it in a spelling bee makes it that much greater. In fact, so much so, the first night I took it out I ran into this dude who runs the co-op in town. He approached as I chained up my ride and before I could even step foot inside the Recovery Room he offered me three hundred dollars for the frame only. Very nice offer, but as flattered as I was, I politely declined. Enjoy the view.

1 comment:

  1. The bike came out very cool! That is wild that guy offered you $ for the frame alone! Nice job on it!
