Friday, July 29, 2011

I'll take my dinner fried

Our dinner rotation at work is always an interesting affair. A few guys are fairly consistent and sometimes quite impressive with their culinary exploits, while others leave you wondering with queasy anticipation what the dinner hour will bring. Tonight was a gut buster. I find myself using one phrase fairly often and it held true tonight "only in the South". Earlier in the year the FDA replaced the food pyramid with the food plate. They recommend balancing calories and increasing the intake of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Blah, blah, blah, eat healthy! Some surprisingly enough find this hard to achieve on a meal by meal basis and cook dinners that look...well look like my dinner tonight. Briefly examine my plate and attempt to fill in the food plate. It may be hard to decipher what exactly I had for dinner so I'll translate that heap of fried soul food. Fried catfish, hushpuppies (also fried), grits (whatever grits are?), and tartar sauce. It's almost laughable how uncategorized my meal was except for the fact my belly hurts if I do have a jolly. Michelle Obama would be so disappointed. 

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